Rural Geography
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•Rural Geography - Definition, nature, scope and significance of Rural Geography.
•Rural Settlement Studies: Concepts, approaches and contents definitions and characterstics of Rural Settlements.
•Histogenesis of Rural Settlements,
•Sequence of occupance; Site, situations, size, type, pattern and spacing of rural settlements.
•Rural Settlement Studies: Concepts, approaches and contents definitions and characterstics of Rural Settlements.
•Histogenesis of Rural Settlements,
•Sequence of occupance; Site, situations, size, type, pattern and spacing of rural settlements.
•Spatio-temporal dimensions of rural settlements; Morphology of Rural settlement with special
reference to India, House types and field patterns, their categories and related factors;
•Rural houses in different Geographical environs folk culture and folk architecture.
•Rural houses in different Geographical environs folk culture and folk architecture.
•Rural Land use; Land use, classification ,agriculture land utilization, forest land,wast land and
its management;
•Land use and land cover; Changes soil categories; Problem related to landuse and agriculture.
•Land use and land cover; Changes soil categories; Problem related to landuse and agriculture.
•Rural Economy;
•Primary occupation Agriculture; Animal husbandry ,Transhuman in Himalayan region.
•Rural handicrafts;
•economic potential; contemporary issue related to rural economy of India and Uttarakhand.
•Primary occupation Agriculture; Animal husbandry ,Transhuman in Himalayan region.
•Rural handicrafts;
•economic potential; contemporary issue related to rural economy of India and Uttarakhand.
Books Recommended:
1. Bhatt H.P. & Bhatt Sangeeta: Environmental Dimensions of Rural Settlements in the
Himalaya in 1993.
2. Davis, S.: Computer Data Displays.
3. Bhatt Sangeeta91984): Economic Transformation- A case study of district Uttarkashi
(Unpublished.D.Phil. Thesis)
4. Davis P.; Data Description &
5. Mishra, R.P.: Research Methodolgy.
6. Kanetkar, T.P.:
7. Punmia,
8. Singh, R.L.: Elements of Practical Geography.
9. Hord. R.M.; Digital Image Processing of Remotely Sensed Data, New York, 1989.
10. Pratt. W.K.: Digital Image Precessing, John Wiley, New York, 1978.
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